Boşanma Davası Dilekçe Örnekleri
Boşanma Davası Dilekçe Örnekleri

Aile Mahkemesi Sıfatıyla Asliye Hukuk Dilekçe Örneği is a formal request made to the Family Court in Turkey. This document is used to request a specific action or decision related to family law matters. It is important to understand the proper format and content of this document in order to ensure that your request is considered seriously by the court.

What is included in the document?

The document must include specific information about the parties involved, as well as the details of the request being made. It should also include supporting evidence, such as relevant documents or witness statements, and any other information that may help the court make a decision.

How to write the document

When writing the document, it is important to use clear and concise language. The document should be organized in a logical and easy-to-follow manner, with headings and subheadings used to break up the content. It is also important to ensure that all information provided is accurate and truthful.

Tips for writing an effective Aile Mahkemesi Sıfatıyla Asliye Hukuk Dilekçe Örneği

1. Clearly state the purpose of the document 2. Use language that is appropriate for a formal legal document 3. Provide all relevant information about the parties involved 4. Include any supporting evidence that may help the court make a decision 5. Be honest and accurate in all information provided

Example 1

To: The Family Court in Istanbul I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], hereby request the court to grant me sole custody of my child, [Child’s Name]. I am the biological mother/father of the child, and I have been the primary caregiver since birth. The other parent, [Other Parent’s Name], has been absent from the child’s life for [Length of Time]. I have attached evidence of my financial stability, as well as statements from witnesses who can attest to my ability to provide a safe and stable home for the child. I respectfully request that the court grant my request for sole custody, in the best interest of the child. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example 2

To: The Family Court in Ankara I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], hereby request the court to grant me a divorce from my spouse, [Spouse’s Name]. We were married on [Wedding Date], and we have been living separately since [Separation Date]. We have no children together, and we have agreed to a division of property and assets. I have attached a copy of the agreement, as well as evidence of my financial situation. I respectfully request that the court grant my request for divorce, and approve the division of property and assets as outlined in the agreement. Sincerely, [Your Name]