Amerika Vize Dilekçesi Nasıl Yazılır?
Amerika Vize Dilekçesi Nasıl Yazılır?

Amerika Vize Başvuru Dilekçesi Örneği Ingilizce

If you are planning to visit the United States, you will need to apply for a visa. One of the requirements for a visa application is a letter of invitation or a letter of support. This letter is commonly known as a visa application letter or a visa sponsorship letter. In this article, we will provide you with a sample visa application letter in English.

Visa Application Letter Sample

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant]. [He/She] has expressed [his/her] interest to visit the United States for [purpose of visit]. As [his/her] [relationship to applicant], I am willing to provide [him/her] with [financial support/ accommodation/ transportation] during [his/her] stay in the United States.

[Name of Applicant] has already secured [his/her] travel documents, including [passport/ visa]. I can assure you that [he/she] has no intention of staying in the United States beyond the duration of [his/her] visa. [He/She] has a [job/ business/ family] in [home country], and [he/she] is eager to return to [his/her] home country after [his/her] visit to the United States.

I kindly request that [Name of Applicant] be granted a visa to visit the United States. I am confident that [he/she] will abide by the laws and regulations of the United States during [his/her] stay. If you require any additional information or documents, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for considering this request.


[Your Name]

Tips for Writing a Visa Application Letter

When writing a visa application letter, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of the letter, which is to convince the consular officer that the applicant has strong ties to their home country and will return after their visit to the United States. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Be Clear and Concise

Make sure that your letter is clear and concise. Use simple language and avoid overly formal or technical terms. Your letter should be easy to read and understand.

Be Honest

Be truthful in your letter. Do not exaggerate or misrepresent the facts. If you are providing financial support or accommodation to the applicant, make sure that you can actually provide these things.

Provide Evidence

If possible, provide evidence to support your claims. For example, if you are providing financial support, provide bank statements or other financial documents to show that you have the means to support the applicant.

Include Contact Information

Include your contact information in the letter so that the consular officer can contact you if necessary. Make sure that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.

Writing a visa application letter can be a daunting task, but it is an important part of the visa application process. By following the tips outlined in this article and using the sample letter provided, you can increase your chances of a successful visa application. Remember to be honest, clear, and concise, and provide evidence to support your claims. Good luck!

Example 1: Business Visa Application Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant]. [He/She] has expressed [his/her] interest to visit the United States for business purposes. As [his/her] [employer/ business partner], I am willing to provide [him/her] with [financial support/ accommodation/ transportation] during [his/her] stay in the United States.

[Name of Applicant] is an important member of our team and [his/her] presence in the United States is essential for [our business/ project]. [He/She] has already secured [his/her] travel documents, including [passport/ visa]. I can assure you that [he/she] has no intention of staying in the United States beyond the duration of [his/her] visa. [He/She] is eager to return to [his/her] home country after [his/her] visit to the United States.

I kindly request that [Name of Applicant] be granted a visa to visit the United States for the purpose of [business]. I am confident that [he/she] will abide by the laws and regulations of the United States during [his/her] stay. If you require any additional information or documents, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for considering this request.


[Your Name]

Example 2: Tourism Visa Application Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant]. [He/She] has expressed [his/her] interest to visit the United States for tourism purposes. As [his/her] [friend/ family member], I am willing to provide [him/her] with [financial support/ accommodation/ transportation] during [his/her] stay in the United States.

[Name of Applicant] has already secured [his/her] travel documents, including [passport/ visa]. [He/She] is a responsible individual and [he/she] has no intention of staying in the United States beyond the duration of [his/her] visa. [He/She] is eager to experience the culture and attractions of the United States and return to [his/her] home country after [his/her] visit.

I kindly request that [Name of Applicant] be granted a visa to visit the United States for the purpose of tourism. I am confident that [he/she] will abide by the laws and regulations of the United States during [his/her] stay. If you require any additional information or documents, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for considering this request.


[Your Name]