olarak lütfen aklınızda bulundurun zamanında antetli kağıt vize
olarak lütfen aklınızda bulundurun zamanında antetli kağıt vize

Italy is a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world. If you are planning to visit Italy for tourism purposes, you will need to apply for a tourist visa. As part of your visa application, you will need to provide a letter of intent or a “dilekçe” in Turkish. In this article, we will provide you with a sample Italy tourist visa “dilekçe” in English.

Paragraph 1: Purpose of the Trip

The first paragraph of your “dilekçe” should clearly state the purpose of your trip to Italy. For example, if you are planning to visit Italy for tourism purposes, you should state that you intend to visit various tourist attractions and experience the culture and cuisine of Italy.

Paragraph 2: Travel Details

In the second paragraph, you should provide details about your travel plans. This should include your planned arrival and departure dates, your flight details, and your planned itinerary in Italy. You should also mention any accommodations you have booked or plan to book during your stay in Italy.

Paragraph 3: Financial Support

The third paragraph should provide information about your financial support during your trip to Italy. This should include details about your savings, any funds you have set aside for the trip, and any financial support you will be receiving from family or friends.

Paragraph 4: Employment and Education Details

In the fourth paragraph, you should provide information about your employment and educational background. This should include your current job or school, your job title or field of study, and any relevant work or educational experience that demonstrates your ability to support yourself during your trip to Italy.

Paragraph 5: Previous Travel Experience

The fifth paragraph should provide information about any previous travel experience you have had. This should include any countries you have visited in the past, the purpose of your trips, and any positive travel experiences you have had.

Paragraph 6: Proof of Return

The sixth paragraph should provide information about your plans to return to your home country after your trip to Italy. This should include any commitments or obligations you have in your home country, such as work or school, that require you to return after your trip.

Paragraph 7: Additional Information

In the seventh paragraph, you can provide any additional information that you think may be relevant to your visa application. This could include information about your travel companions, any special needs or accommodations you require, or any other relevant details.

Paragraph 8: Closing Statement

In the final paragraph, you should provide a closing statement that summarizes your intentions and expresses your appreciation for the consideration of your visa application. You should also provide your contact information, including your phone number and email address, in case the embassy needs to contact you for further information.

Example 1

To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to apply for a tourist visa to Italy. My purpose for visiting Italy is to experience the culture and cuisine of this beautiful country. I plan to visit various tourist attractions, including famous landmarks and museums. I will be arriving in Italy on June 1, 2022 and departing on June 15, 2022. My flight details are as follows: Flight number AZ610 from Istanbul to Rome, and flight number AZ611 from Rome to Istanbul. During my stay in Italy, I will be staying at various hotels and Airbnb accommodations. I have sufficient savings to support myself during my trip, and I will also be receiving financial support from my family. I am currently employed as a marketing assistant at XYZ Company and have been working there for the past two years. I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing from ABC University. I have previously traveled to France, Spain, and Greece for tourism purposes, and I have always had positive experiences. I am committed to returning to my home country after my trip to Italy, as I have work obligations that require my presence. Thank you for considering my visa application. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example 2

To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to apply for a tourist visa to Italy. My purpose for visiting Italy is to attend a wedding ceremony of my friend. I plan to visit various tourist attractions as well, including famous landmarks and museums. I will be arriving in Italy on August 1, 2022 and departing on August 15, 2022. My flight details are as follows: Flight number TK187 from Istanbul to Rome, and flight number TK188 from Rome to Istanbul. During my stay in Italy, I will be staying at my friend’s house. I have sufficient savings to support myself during my trip, and I will also be receiving financial support from my family. I am currently employed as a software developer at XYZ Company and have been working there for the past three years. I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science from ABC University. I have previously traveled to the United States, Canada, and Japan for tourism purposes, and I have always had positive experiences. I am committed to returning to my home country after my trip to Italy, as I have work obligations that require my presence. Thank you for considering my visa application. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. Sincerely, [Your Name]